Sabtu, 19 April 2008

Puisi Surga

Dengan kapasitas TOEFL yang kritis
gue berusaha membuat puisi fiktif ini.
Comment aja.
Kritik harus.
Kalo mau muntah juga gak apa-apa
Hohoho :)


A Placed Named Nirvana

In my dream…

Long time ago, I walked in a normal placed named earth.

I just saw an ordinary life.

Now, I walked in a chaostic placed named earth.

It’s filled with arrogant creature named human.

They are so absurd.

Some of them say “I will rule the world”

Some of them say “I would rather life in peace”

And some of them say “I do not care…”

In a placed named earth.

One day I met an old man.

Walking in a crowd.

But he walked to opposite way.

I asked him “Wait, who are you ?”

He said “Who am I ? You just walked above me.”

I was so astonished and said “I just met you, and you said that I walked above you ?”

He said “Look at around !”

I was looking at the crowded people and said “They are so messy!”

I look at the building, they are so huge…

Sky was so black.

Guess what I saw hungry people everywhere.

And rich people that have no mercy.

He said a again “I was so green… I was so peace”

“What! So you are earth. And what happened to you?” I said.

“I am tired…”

“It can’t be!!! So where I can find a better place? A peaceful place

And life in together humanity and love?”

“Go there…”





I woke up.

And that just still a dream for me.


3 komentar:



oke2 poem ny....


what a good inspirational poetry.
U makes me wants to make one after..

Well done aiss.. :P


bagus iz..

Mimpinya bneran gak tuh?

Klo gw prnah mimpi kyk hidup di dlm lautan gitu, kyk duninya Little Mermaid..
alah2 Putri duyung drmana coba?
gak ad putri duyungnya sih..
Mungkin efek dr gw kbanyakan maen game Kingdom Hearts di PS2.
Ada Sora, Donald, & Goofy kliling dunia Disney..

Smp kbawa mimpi gtu..

hahaha... ^o^